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Winlator RMod V1~V8(Original) Winlator RMod by Alexoqool V1 Перевод Winlator Dev 5.1 на русский язык Изменения: • Полный перевод на русский язык apk https://mega.nz/folder/fzAzxQwY#3sGH9o-7AAxGk0zXVDUCww 86.45 MB folder on MEGAmega.nzobb https://mega.nz/folder/TrgnGCRL#kB1QVX1389KwyT0aIeAVpg 429.08 MB folder on MEGAmega.nzV2 Обновление модификации Winlator Rus V2 (основана на Winlator Dev 5.1) Изменения: • Исправлены ошибки .. 2024. 3. 11.
Winlator RMod V8.1(Modify) Winlator RMod V8.1 by Alexoqool (Based on Winlator Dev 5.1) Support Language: RU, EN Changes: • Fixed memory leak in Grand Theft Auto V • The original WFM is returned for the 7-Zip seat • Added a shortcut to start 7-Zip in the Start menu • Two versions of the modification have been created - a version with the usual name of the application package (com.winlator.rmod, for less CPU heating, but al.. 2024. 3. 11.
Winlator afei mod V4(Modify) 5.1.0 Fix4 Update(Basic Language : English) 1-Basic a6xx drive! If you need anything else, replace it yourself! 2 - Troubleshooting GTA5 Memory Burst! 3 - Add a few variables. Fix a few flash issues! Some might need to turn off the dri3 (sw to sw, it might be slow! 4- Packets are downloadable right away and links are Paymode OB, unofficial OB! Sometimes you may need a V! 5 - Repair Guitar! [FOXR.. 2024. 3. 10.
Winlator RMod V8.1 by Alexoqool (Original) Winlator RMod V8.1 (Based on Winlator Dev 5.1) Changes: • Fixed memory leak in Grand Theft Auto V • The original WFM is returned for the 7-Zip seat • Added a shortcut to start 7-Zip in the Start menu • Two versions of the modification have been created - a version with the usual name of the application package (com.winlator.rmod, for less CPU heating, but also performance will be worse) and com... 2024. 3. 10.