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Winlator@Frost 6.1 V4 Added new wine 9.1 with wow64 (from afei). The problem is the input control not working in this wine, but you can test wow64 with 3d tests to see how fast is it in winlator. Also for wow64 to work, please use box64 0.2.7 or some extra features, logcat and proot mini shell (from afei, might not working)Added some new stuff (from mr.j)Removed some useless environment to make the winla.. 2024. 4. 27.
Winlator@Frost 6.1 V4 Added new wine 9.1 with wow64 (from afei). The problem is the input control not working in this wine, but you can test wow64 with 3d tests to see how fast is it in winlator. Also for wow64 to work, please use box64 0.2.7 or some extra features, logcat and proot mini shell (from afei, might not working)Added some new stuff (from mr.j)Removed some useless environment to make the winla.. 2024. 4. 27.
Winlator@Frost 6.1 V3 Added an option to create shortcut into Android home screen (you must create shortcut in winlator first to be able use this function)Added an extra feature, rotate screenAdded some extra environment (from mr.j)Added DXVK 2.3.1-8 (from Afei) DXVK 2.3.1 (requested by KiLLsh0t)Added some extra controller (from mr.j)Fixed Turnip A750 installation not workingOther improvements and bug fixes have been.. 2024. 4. 27.
Winlator6.1 afei fix9 6.1fix9-wow64-8g3: Merge pull request #1 from neighbor-bear/main彻底兼容wow64,提供wine8.0.2和wine9.1wow64两个wine使8g3能够正常玩游戏包括32位,都可以使用dxvk!8g3要用里面的wine9.1wow64才可以玩32位哦!64位游戏随便用Fully compatible with wow64,Provide two wines: wine8.0.2 and wine9.1wow64Enable 8g3 to play games normally, including 32-bit, and can use dxvk!8g3 needs to use wine9.1wow64 in it to play 32-bit!64-bit games can be used at willWow6.. 2024. 4. 27.