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Ajay prefix v10 for winlator 🔥 Ajay prefix v10 for winlator - Added dosbox fast version and adobe flash player - added faudio x64 - added many virGl games preset - removed wined3d 9.12 and added wined3d 9.14 🔥 Winlator용 Ajay 접두사 v10 - Dosbox 빠른 버전과 Adobe Flash Player 추가 - Faudio x64 추가 - 많은 virGl 게임 사전 설정 추가 - Wined3d 9.12 제거 및 Wined3d 9.14 추가 https://mega.nz/file/m7ZTTLTZ#qcJG5M-4LdPKA8Y3lB5sI8Z71yi-R17imVQvvNd6Mv0 2024. 8. 3.
Ajay prefix v9 hotfix7 for winlator 🔥Ajay prefix v9 hotfix7 for winlator - added "move files to the proper location.bat" for noob users - added 7z entry to the system.reg - added more wfm context menu , right click on any file then you will see new options - updated "install prefix for current container.bat" and "install only start menu.bat" - added virGl desktop and T+Z desktop (experimental) - start menu will be automatically Ex.. 2024. 8. 3.
Winlator 6.1 Amod20-A3 https://youtu.be/bwpFjzkRQVY?si=LJ_66lyWujgHROtf6.1 The final version! Shorten packets and reduce decompression time Add Dolphin Test (d3d8) Update the productload to solve the problem that other wine-wow64 versions are not compatible with 32-bit Update proto for better compatibility with 8g3 Please select 8g3 version Added dxvk2.4 series Added box64 0.3. 1 Fixed a problem where the game could n.. 2024. 7. 31.
Ajay prefix hotfix 6 for winlator 🔥Ajay prefix hotfix 6 for winlator - updated install prefix bat and added install start menu bat, in case you don't want to install prefix. - added custom gray theme , need restart of current container - added "install necessary files.bat" - updated prefix installation video Note - remove old prefix from the download/winlator folder https://mega.nz/file/SqozEK4A#5ajgvcj5u1ZIhOK4pGf5FFb16exHCkjLe.. 2024. 7. 28.