WINLATOR/Original211 Winlator V4 Ajay 1.07 GB file on MEGAmega.nz mod Ajay 2023. 9. 5. Winlator 1.1.8(EN,JP) Updated 1 - Fix a bug in a new environment that does not read dxvk for the first time 2 - Shortcuts to fix VCs.add net2.0-net4.0 3 - Organize the starting point files! 4 - Add more controller icons.Default an ARC controller!Self-selecting! 5 - Other repairs! 1.1.8 업데이트 1 - 처음 dxvk를 읽지 않는 새로운 환경의 버그 수정 2 - VCs.add net2.0-net4.0을 수정하는 바로 가기 3 -.. 2023. 9. 4. Winlator Fix14(EN, JP) EN,JP - Google Drive이 폴더에 파일이 없습니다.이 폴더에 파일을 추가하려면 로그인하세요 2023. 9. 4. Winlator 1.1.7(EN,JP) Caution! Warning! You must create an environment to go in and out. Edit it to read dxvk!This is for D3D memory! 1.1.7 Updated 1-win add-on dll 2-APK Thin, add dxvk2.2-151 for 64-bit!The starting point can only work on 32 bits!That's what's wrong with it! 3 - Added dxvk frame limit.Specifically at the starting point! 4-Add xserver background kill!C.. 2023. 9. 3. 이전 1 ··· 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ··· 53 다음