WINLATOR/Original218 winlator Ajay prefix v8 🔥Ajay prefix v8 for winlator - added Extra prefix option of ajay, official and wine, you can install these prefix from the start menu and create a new can also check what prefix is currently installed. - added fix-services.reg from mobox - added mediafoundation from can find it in Start menu/Other fix - removed some x64 dsound (note - ajay prefix is made of wine 8.0.2 and.. 2024. 2. 11. Winlator Ajay prefix v7 🔥Ajay prefix v7 for winlator - added missing ' install start menu.bat ' for default wine (for other wine install start menu.bat from z/opt/prefix ) - updated direct music, dshow,dplay with override reg in the start menu. - updated ' install Ajay prefix for winlator.bat '(now extracted opt folder will be deleted after installation.keep prefix archive in the separate folder) Link 2024. 2. 11. winlator ajay prefix v5 🔥 winlator ajay prefix v5 - added option of 32 bit Direct X , 32 bit wined3d, 32 bit Dxvk for wine x86 version - bug fixed (improved compatibility)(now Victoria 2 is playable, install mono and gecko for this) 1.15 GB folder on MEGA14 files and 6 2024. 2. 11. Winlator (Development) Development version for testing only Release Winlator (Development) · brunodev85/winlatorDevelopment version for testing 2024. 2. 11. 이전 1 ··· 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 ··· 55 다음