EXAGEAR/Original166 Exagear325 PROJECT009 https://youtu.be/iVeZswk3318PROJECT009 Discord https://discord.gg/cfNC92VHPROJECT009 Discord 서버에 가입하세요!Discord에서 PROJECT009 커뮤니티를 확인하세요. 381 other명과 어울리며 무료 음성 및 텍스트 채팅을 즐기세요.discord.comGoogle Drive: 로그인이메일 또는 휴대전화accounts.google.com 2023. 7. 7. Exagear ED V4.9 AJAY https://youtu.be/aRrDHI3IG6A ED 4.9 multiwine 2 patch by hardray 👉Apk changelog - -Online wine installation from Kron4ek and WineHQ 👉Obb changelog - offline wine 3.19,wine 4.0.4, wine 5.0.4,wine 6.0.3,wine 8.2 (install from LOCAL) - all previous updates are merged (Including winetricks offline and many more) - updated system.reg of ajay prefix - removed old Zink (doesn't work in Xegw) ED V4.9+Xe.. 2023. 7. 4. Exagear Ajay v4.8 Update 1.6 ⚡installation method- simple unpack to D drive and run .bat file then create a new container and select renderer setup , you can install renderer setup for current Container too. but better use wine 3 or 4 for update installation. ⚡ changelog of v1.6 - added riched20,32 msasn1 and mfc40,42 offline winetricks - updated system32,ajay(with winetricks and SP2 dll) ⚡ changelog of v1.5 -added dxvk 0.9.. 2023. 7. 2. Project 009 Exagear https://youtu.be/aHPkdf14GoIProject009_Mod(Hugo+Ajay).zipdrive.google.comEd Fast9.7zdrive.google.comExagear1.zipdrive.google.comByJotaros.zipdrive.google.com 2023. 7. 1. 이전 1 ··· 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ··· 42 다음