
Exagear XHYN All-in-One(only VIRGL)

FIXRAIN(여우비) 2023. 10. 7. 14:42


- XHYN's VirGL Cache (Based on MultiWine 7.5 by Ēlochnik)

Heavily Modified from 1.2GB to 716MB (400MB+ naked)
GDrive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1g4krBPNQ9ETuZJRSVSkxgg2RP2m_K8Pz?usp=drive_link

XHYN's Top Secret Files xD - Google Drive

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GitHub Link:

GitHub - XHYN-PH/xhyns-mod: A Simple Modification for XEGW (ExaGear) from ExaGear International Devs

A Simple Modification for XEGW (ExaGear) from ExaGear International Devs - GitHub - XHYN-PH/xhyns-mod: A Simple Modification for XEGW (ExaGear) from ExaGear International Devs


The performance of this cache is identical to MultiWine, It's just lightweight and removed Renderers that will not work in Mali-GPU. This cache purpose is for Mali or morely focuses on VirGL Renderer

• Removed All Included Local Wines except 7.7
• Removed Various Useless Libraries inside the Cache
• Removed Junks and Useless files
• Removed Turnip Renderer
• Removed Zink Renderer
• Removed DXVK dll's
• Removed Stock DirectX
• Removed Renderers Video Cards
• Modified & Removed Old Default WineD3D's
• Reconstruct the Format of Start Menu Items
• Added WineSound5 from Hugo Cache
• Removed "dri" and "LLVM-10" libs
• Removed Duplicates Old Mesa VirGL v3
• GPU Testing Applications added as Archive
• CoreFonts is installed upon first start up
• VideoCodec & DirectX has been merged in one archive
• Removed Other Renderer Options
• Experimental Boost is on by default
• Added Microsoft XNA 4.0
• Added Option to run IB manually
• Added DScaler 2005
• Added WinImage
• Removed "dxvk.conf"
• Added VirGL with No HUD Option
• Added Bunch of WineD3D patched bu Hugo
• Added various wrappers that may help running old games (e.g d3d8to9, ddraw compat, dinputto8, dsoundctrl, DXGL, dxwrapper, glrage and lastly nGlide)
More various changes...

NOTE: Upon first time running please Install "Wine Mono" inorder to work properly do not interrupt any thing while installing or you may break the container.

Game Dependencies will Auto Install upon first time running. DO NOT INTERRUPT IT!!

Regards, https://youtube.com/@xhyn

XHYN | ExaGear

Android Emulators Contents | ExaGear Emulator Content Creator



ExaGear XHYN.7z
