Special thanks to the complement 23456 for the Wine Integrated Edition.
Update F65 Commemorative Edition
A new simulator appears, and Exagear is coming to an end.。。
Fix F64 version of TZ path error, new built-in environment, new startup parameters, optimized speed and stability, integrated WMP, net 2.0, 4.0 and other new software.
Update F64 Special Edition
APK supports built-in Xsdl, online download Wine, built-in Xegw and other features, with 5 local Wine in the packet.
Fixed issues such as Unity game instability and flashbacks, and most Unity games should have significant improvements.
Fixed video playback problem, Wine 6.0 or higher can play video files directly to WMP.
Fixed a problem with changing screen orientation simulator black screen.# From quiet thoughts #
Re-optimize built-in startup parameters to increase speed and reduce flashbacks and other problems.
Add new startup shortcuts, rearrange menus, fix other known problems, etc.
Update the F63v2 version to add the built-in Xsdl function of the big guy.
Update F63 Edition
Re-modify APK, add online download Wine function, and built-in Wine 8.0 and 3.05 local versions, rendering mode back to both hard/soft mode.
Graphics rendering back to the internal switching mode, convenient switching, without exiting the desktop environment can switch graphics rendering mode.
APK has built-in startup parameters to simplify TFM shortcut startup. All rendering methods use the same shortcut, so you don't need to set up separate shortcuts for different rendering.
For some special needs, add a dedicated startup, reorganize the start menu, streamline the old version of the rendering library that is not commonly used, and add new experimental features.
The full version of Wine implementation starts the program from the desktop shortcut (the program needs to be in the E-disk download folder).
add the latest turnip + zink-14.07.23 version, optimizing the internal environment, correcting game video playback, Red Alert 2 running stuck issues.
Update F62 Edition
Re-modify APK with built-in environment parameters to increase speed and stability.At the same time, it can start a separate program from desktop shortcut (the program needs to be placed in F-disk download folder), simplify TFM shortcut startup parameters, reorganize the start menu, add new experimental functions, fix some known problems, etc.(No new online Wine feature has been added to make up for Big Brother's release)
Update F61 Stabilized Edition
F61 fix F60 file pointing error problem, adopt new optimization environment, add Wine 8.11 (with speed up), add new DXVK and D3D file, fix file no problem, etc.
In addition, some people don't respond, so write a detailed description file and set it up according to the instructions.
Update F60 thin version, drastically thin packets, remove Virio GPU mode, WineSL only retains 4 versions 3.0, 4.0, 6.17, 7.1 (247m) to improve the internal environment and increase compatibility.
Update F59v2 stable version, fix WineSL duplicate installation problem, fix can't create desktop icon problem, add some special D3D library, special game will use, such as ancient sword 1, some XXOO games, add rabbit version APK.Because of support for VirioGPU mode, packets will be larger than other packets, depending on the requirements to choose download.
Update F59, fix switch rendering problem, fix IB keyboard problem, adopt new backpack, WineSL switch Wine version, reduce the capacity of general version of packet greatly.
Add rabbit version of APK, use OBB file, change to。
Update F58, fix switch rendering problem, sync update to version 7.02 APK, add independent DXVK rendering mode option, VRIIOGPU support new rendering file, APK support LLVM, VRIIOGPU, T+Z, DXVK, Virgl Overlay five rendering mode switch.
Update F57 version, re-modify the main program, try to use independent multi-rendering mode, built-in X11 display.Support LLVM, VriIOGPU, T+Z/DXVK, Virgl Overlay rendering mode, 3.05/4.0/4.7/6.0/6.1/7.22/8.9 version of Wine, add full GST plug-in, re-D3D file script, etc.
Update f56, fix some known problems with F55 and fix some D3D file path errors with InputBridge support.
Update f55 version, based on Maozi latest APK, re-modified the main program, using dark theme, integrated X11, DXVK no longer need to start X11 alone.Support LLVM, T+Z, VriIOGPU, DXVK, Virgl Overlay rendering mode, 3.05/4.0/5.0/7.1/8.0/8.9 version of Wine, add Snapdragon 8gn+ and Snapdragon 6/700+T+Z mode support.
Update f54 version, set 3.05/4.0/6.0/7.1/8.0/8.9 six versions of Wine, 8.0 of which support the Three Kingdoms 12.Add a new version of D3D files, transfer files, etc. APK added patches to patch the mouse display of the boss.Snapdragon version adds new version of Termux-x11 display support, APK uses complementary boss modified Sinic version.
Update F53V2, fix Wine 8.the question of x.
F53 Stable Edition:
Add Wine8.6 and WineD3D8.6 support, modify Wine8.2, replace Wine7.13 with 7.9, fix known problems in F52 version, rearrange Chinese startup shortcuts, etc.
Mary and Snapdragon use a unified package, add different virtual server, make Mary and Snapdragon support Virtual GPU rendering mode, fix Japanese display problem, Snapdragon TZ mode should be faster than before, reorganize shortcut, add DXVK configuration file, etc.
Snapdragon adds DXVK rendering support to simplify the startup process by using its own Temux, ED and data package in the compressed package.The package directly integrates the terminal files; a built-in startup script that starts the installation process by simply copying a command in termux, as described in the internal instructions.
All versions of F51 update boot parameters, fix 8gen1 and other CPU, unable to boot.
The Mary and Snapdragon versions are still available in a separate package, while the Mary version supports Virio GPU.Packets are rendered internally (menu switched version, Virio GPU still has bugs, not recommended), update the most stable version of Wine 8.2 and add turnip_14.03 in T+Z mode.23+zink_11.06.22_fix version, organize and modify quick start parameters, increase stability.DXVK support has not been added yet because it is not practical.
The base pack is remade, the Mary and Snapdragon versions use separate base packs, and the new base packs improve speed, stability and compatibility.Menu all cultural processing, add Wine8.0 official version, WineD3D8.0 official version of the file, a collection of 7.13/4.0/6.0/7.1/8.0 five versions of Wine, add a complete GST plug-in, Mary version of support for Virio GPU mode.Packets still use an internal switching of rendering to facilitate switching between rendering modes at any time.Also rewritten APK files, Mary's and Snapdragon's APKs cannot be mixed with packages.
APK Integration New Version Wine 8.0 Official Edition
Update Turnip + Zink (23.01).17), parameter default auto, add latest Wine8.0 official version, new WineD3D8.0 official version file
APK Integration New Version Wine 8.0 Official Edition
Update Turnip + Zink (23.01).17), parameter default auto, add latest Wine8.0 official version, new WineD3D8.0rc5 file.
APK integrates the new version of Wine 8.0 rc4.
Fix known bugs, rewrite all script files, update zink_110622 (specific game speedup), add the latest version of Wine8.0rc4, new WineD3D8.0rc4 file.
APK integrates the new version of Wine 8.0 rc3.
Fix the problem of switching audio files by adding the latest version of Wine8.0rc3 and adding a new WineD3D8.0rc3 file.
Streamlined the two infrequent versions of Wine 3.05/5.04, Def is 7.13 supporting the Three Kingdoms 12.
APK adds floating button to modify D disk path function, integrating new Wine 8.x version.
Fix the problem of switching to Virio GPU mode, switching audio file errors, adding the latest version of Wine8.0rc2, adding a new WineD3D8.0rc2.
It is a collection of seven versions of Wine 7.9/3.05/4.04/5.04/6.04/7.01/8.0 and def is version 7.9 supporting the Three Kingdoms 12.
APK adds floating button to modify D disk path function, integrating new Wine 8.x version.
The package rearranges the menu, adds a new compiled version of Wine8.0, and adds a new WineD3D8.0 file.
It is a collection of six versions of Wine3.05/4.0/5.22/6.17/7.9/8.0, of which 7.9 supports Trio 12.
Fixed a problem with Snapdragon packets that VirtIO gpu was unable to use.
Re-modify APK, update the integration of Virgil Overlay, and fix some problems where mobile phones can't automatically restart services.
Fix the problem that the registration file cannot be opened in the menu, add a new startup parameter file, etc.
Start menu changed to Chinese, fix Wine5 can not start the problem, re-modify APK live program, fix some errors.
The APK main program has been re-modified. The data package is based on Wine 3.05/4.0/5.22/6.17/7.13. 7.13 supports Trio 12 and 7.1 by default.
Packets are also supported with software rendering llvmpipe; hardware rendering viriogpu, trunipzink, virgloverlay(mesa).Hardware rendering is soft-switched.
Switch directly from the start menu mesa without exiting the desktop and setting the rendering mode.Integrate some WinD3D files, registry files and so on.
fix40: Integrating some of the important updates that have been released by big names at home and abroad over this period of time should not change much.
The APK main program has been re-modified, and the package is a collection of Wine3.05/4.0/6.17/7.1/7.20, the default version 7.11.
APK Modified Content:
1.apk directly integrates with virgloverlay 0.0.9
2.Unable to arouse soft keyboard by solving Android 12
3.Support for Android input, direct Chinese input
4.Support for adding multiple different versions of Wine
5.Solve the problem of mouse cursor displaying "X" in some games
6.set to add custom resolution function
Above modification, especially thanks to the tiger mountain, Changxin, fill 23456 and other big guys
F65 Compact(Universal).7z
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