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JoiPlay 1.11.006 and Plugin Updates

by FIXRAIN(여우비) 2022. 9. 1.

Hello everyone! This update contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements over version 1.10.065. RPG Maker MV games has been problematic on recent releases so many changes are made to improve compatibility for RPG Maker MV. To improve compatibility for Pokemon Essentials v19 and above, custom tilemap class from mkxp-z is merged to RPG Maker Plugin. Also, some changes are made to improve compatibility for other RPG Maker games. Ren'Py Plugin got some changes to keep up with the new versions of Ren'Py and comes with two different Ren'Py versions now.


JoiPlay 1.11.006

JoiPlay-1.11.006-patreon-release.apk | 33.04 MB

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 11:05:34 +0000


RPG Maker Plugin 1.20.05

RPGMPlugin-1.20.05-patreon-release.apk | 42.22 MB

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 11:06:34 +0000


Ren'Py Plugin 8.0.1_7.5.1_003

RenPyPlugin-8.0.1_7.5.1_003-patreon-release.apk | 41.38 MB

Thu, 01 Sep 2022 11:06:04 +0000



JoiPlay 1.11.006:

Implemented a live patch system to fix small javascript bugs without app updates.Fixed a callback bug in readFile and writeFile methods from fs module.Added ugcGetItemInstallInfo method from greenworks module.

JoiPlay 1.11.003:

Improved support for games that require Steam API.Made some changes to optimize UI on landscape orientation.Made a change to fix a bug related to BaseTexture.update method from PixiJS.Fixed a bug that breaks Compatibility List.

JoiPlay 1.11.001:

Fixed a bug in sreadFileSync method from fs module.

JoiPlay 1.11.000:

Added js-yaml and lodash/cloneDeep module implementations.Made some changes on fs module implementation to support Buffers for reading/writing files.Added a manual garbage collection method to prevent crashes related to low memory.Fixed a bug that causes JoiPlay to replace a game instead of adding the new game.Replaced "Disable RTP" option with "Faster Path Enumeration" option. Disabling this option should fix asset override issues on RPG Maker XP, VX and VX Ace games.Added "Model-Based Rendering" option to Ren'Py settings. It's enabled by default and required by some games but can be disabled if clicking menu items freezes the games.Optimized fullscreen theme & layout to reduce overdraws.Made minor UI changes on virtual gamepad settings.Updated Ruffle and other third-party dependencies.

RPG Maker Plugin 1.20.05:

Added missing MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

RPG Maker Plugin 1.20.04:

Made a small change to ignore some image loading errors.

RPG Maker Plugin 1.20.01:

Added a string override to disable GaryCXJk - InpEx v1.00 script.Added string overrides to fix common issues on games from Aldorlea Games.

RPG Maker Plugin 1.20.00:

Made some changes to enable mouse event support. Touch events are recognized as left clicks.Made a change to align game window to top on portrait orientation.Added a string override for Pokemon Insurgence. H-mode7 is force-disabled so maps that use H-mode7 will be shown as flat maps.Added a string override to make selection cursor semi-transparent on Pokemon Essentials games.Added tilemap and tileatlas classes from mkxp-z to improve support for Pokemon Essentials v19 and above.Fixed a bug in cheat script for Pokemon Essentials v19+ that causes crash on Pokemon Essentials v20.Made some changes to prevent RTP overriding local assets.

Ren'Py Plugin 8.0.1_7.5.1_003:

Made a minor configuration change to fix a bug that causes rendering issues.

Ren'Py Plugin 8.0.1_7.5.1_001:

Updated Ren'Py libraries to v8.0.1 and v7.5.1.Made a change to fix NameError on empty_window().

Ren'Py Plugin 8.0.0_7.5.0_000:

Updated Ren'Py to 7.5.0 and 8.0.0, both versions are included in the plugin. Correct version will be detected using script_version.txt file.Added an environment variable to disable model-based rendering when "Model-Based Rendering" option is disabled.Updated the virtual gamepad and other dependencies.

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